We keeping sending more to our cell phone or via email to info@alphapitbullkennels.com
And indicate if you give us the right to make that letter public on our website! We appreciate. Thanks
Alpha Pitbull Kennels You guys are wonderful don’t know how much joy you have added to my life. I love him so much! He is just wonderful and makes me so happy. Here is one of his pictures. The day before he was scheduled to sit for his holiday pictures, he rubbed all the hair off his face trying to retrieve a candy bar from underneath the cabinet. When we picked him up from the airport, we were so glad because they did great work in coordinating his travel, we couldn’t believe he came safely. with our permission you may add our contact number on your website as reference.
Hello Alpha Pitbull Kennels here we are again, Our puppy Louie is doing just fine. He fits in just perfect into our new apartment since we moved in last week. He and Meeko our previous dogs just love each other. We are so happy to have him with us. Thank you for sending to us such a wonderful puppy! Here are some cute pictures of him and please feel free to include us on your pages. You may also include our email for anyone who wanna talk to us.
Hi Alpha Pitbull Kennels,
Please post this pictures and my email and contact number on your website for anyone who want to contact us, we are available 8 hours a day. This is her outfit, She is a sweetie and growing into her body nicely. You guys are a wonderful family and we will come to you any time.
Hello , Thought I’d send you a quick picture of Mario and tell you how we love this dog, my husband and I are more in love because of Mario. I take him to classes and he is so smart! I will send you pictures of our self’s next month when we shall have a family come together.
Thank you again Alpha Pitbull Kennels – Cannon is a fine example of your expertise. Everyone at Protection Dog Sales truly the best of the best – and a blessing to our family. Let me just say that we are customers for LIFE with y’all….. I will NEVER own another “child” that y’all didn’t train – it’s that simple.
hey Alpha Pitbull Kennels If anyone wishes to contact me, and ask me any questions, i would be more than happy to answer., please contact Alpha Pitbull Kennels and they will put you in touch with me. Thank you Pitbull puppies, and Aric for giving us the opportunity to be Ghaige Gabriel Von Prufenpudens Humans ! He is truly a gift from God.
Bless you.